Registration to this website is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. These rules apply equally to all parts of our website including social groups whether private or open.
The intent of our website is to be "family friendly" like our club. As such, it is our goal to promote the posting of material suitable for people of all ages and value systems. Material posted that does not fall within the spirit of the following guidelines will be deleted and the posting party warned.
If you read a thread or post that is questionable click the email and an email will be sent to the website moderators and officers of LSJC.
Although the administrators and moderators of Lone Star Jeep Club will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this website and its forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and The Lone Star Jeep Club, LLC will be held responsible for the content of any message.
By agreeing to these rules, you agree that you will not place, send/from or link anywhere in our website,
1. Photos or links to messages and photos that are obscene, vulgar and/or sexually-oriented. This includes but is not limited to posts, avatars, signature lines and user names.
2. Disrespectful messages about or towards any user or member. This includes but is not limited to the following; hateful, threatening, bullying, and sexually harassing.
3. Profane words, profane acronyms, double entendre, explicit or implied profane or vulgar language.
4. Any posts that may be or represent violations of any laws.
5. Acronyms, letters or symbols for the purpose of defeating the word filter.
6. Posting spam or Post padding.
7. If a thread or topic is closed, the poster will not open another to discuss the same or a similar subject. Opening threads to contest or debate moderating decisions is an illegal mode of contestation or debate and will result in an infraction being issued.
8. If a poster has an issue with a decision by a moderator, this issue in question should be addressed by PM (private message) the MOD in question. If the poster considers the answer has not been adequately answered, the poster can seek further clarification via PM to a MOD and or a BOD member. Forum posting of any disagreement concerning decisions made by the MODs or BOD can and will result in further infractions being issued to the poster.
9. In the event of a ban, the poster in question may seek resolution as provided by the Bylaws of this club. The topic will be considered private, airing the issue on the LSJC forum or in public can and will result in punitive actions to the poster.
10. The display and/or promotion of material (graphics, text, or link) defamatory in nature of LSJC is prohibited.
LSJC cannot predict the future and foresee every eventuality, the club reserves the right to revise these rules as necessary.
Disregarding these rules can result in you being issued an infraction.
1st infraction will be part of your records for six(6) months.
2nd infraction within that same six (6) month time period will be extended to twelve(12) months and your posting privileges will be limited to viewing only for 30 days.
3rd infraction will result in your case being forwarded to the BOD and President for consideration of a permanent ban. The President of LSJC will make notification by email.
Finally, in the rare occasion that your violation is determined to be willful and egregious and of a serious and urgent enough nature, the LSJC Board and Officers reserve the right to permanently ban you after just one violation. The President of LSJC will make notification by email.
The Board of Directors of Lone Star Jeep Club reserve the right to ban any user and to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
The rules strictly apply to all website and its forum participants with no exceptions.